Tuesday 3 May 2011

Enterprise Evaluation

In our first group meeting we assigned roles. My task was to work out the start-up costs and also to look at our competitors. We would all look into identity and marketing. This was a good tactic as from the very beginning we all knew what we each had to do and when we needed it done by. If we had any issues everyone was willing to help out.

The research I collected along with the other members of the group was to a better standard than I envisaged. We each collected a substantial amount data and were in contact throughout our individual research. As we had each a chosen area to look into, we did not cross-over information or waste time researching the same thing twice. Also it meant that if someone had a question about the finances, we all knew who would be able to answer it.

A negative of our group was our delay in producing out presentation. We had focussed so much on the information and business side of the module that we left the designing and presenting until the very end. Luckily it wasn't too bad and we worked hard and late to get the presentation made. We then individually wrote what we would say for each of our areas and got feedback from the other team members. The flow of the presentation was good and I don't think it was too data heavy.

We each added something to the presentation and to the module as a whole and I would happily work with these people in a group again. The skills and techniques I learnt are invaluable and in the future if I do set up my own practise I will be well equipped.

1 comment:

  1. good evaluation of the group work and presentation side of the module but it would have been interesting to hear how you felt the lectures/tasks went and how beneficial they were to you.Try to make sure you write more of an evaluation and less of a rationale next time
