Thursday 11 November 2010

Who am I? - Who are they?

Thinking of myself as a product is tricky. I see myself as one element of a team and work best when I can share and explore my ideas with others, even though I like to create my work individually, I want to work in a small group of professionals. Editorial design primarily layout and typography are my ambition and passion in Graphic Design. I wish to work creatively for a editorial specific for Design such as Elephant. 

InDesign is my software of choice and I know this extensively. I used it for 2 years in my full time job (pre university) to design brochures, leaflets and catalogues at a high production rate. In my previous employement, my designs have been very commercial and were required to fit with the look and branding of the company, which limited my creativity. I am a committed to typography and layout design. I believe in trying out new approaches to communication. I love juxtaposition and entropy in design and wish to design using these techniques.  

Skills that are needed to work in editorial design is a more consise knowledge and experience of communication through typography. I am currently taking a module on type for improvement in this area. Specialising in type through all my future modules on the course will ensure that my portfolio and type journal will be ideal for promting myself to my intended clients. I wish to create original headline designs such as Alison Carmichael, but also structured typeface design to be used in the copy. 

My professional aims are to be an effective and original designer for editorial print publications and have recently found such an array of companies which I would like to be a part of. Location is important to my future design practice and intend to stay in England. I feel that different cultures communicate and decode messages diversly and am determined to become a master in conversing in a culture comfortable to me.

1 comment:

  1. hope you have been in touch with these guys and managed to secure a work exp with them?
